You' ll find here the latests places I've seen, all in France. We' ll start from Créteil, (about 15 km away from Paris) then quickly move to the hills in Lyon area to get some oxygen. The next step 's going to be south-west with a little trip on Lot's riverside before to come back east and climb up to the southern French Alps.
Lac de CréteilNot nice, is it ? That's where I've been living for years.... Now you'll understand why I enjoy that much moving from place to place with my camera,. This picture is a bit better in hi-res, but this is not available yet |
Les Gouttes d'en Haut Can you see the house in white on hill side ? Well, all right, the hi-res option would help again, you can bet that will be the very next improvement I'll bring to the site... That has been my home base for last year, and that was far nicer than the first one, for sure. |
That's the kind of scenery you can find there. I lke it quit a lot, even if the photo has been a bit altered by compression. |
Shot from the house displayed upper, no other comment needed, I reckon'... |
Old little farm just by Vaugneray (Same hill as my home base, but on the other side.) |
Another old farm, this time at St Just D'Avray, a bit further from Lyon. No I'm no real estate agent, but living in a place like that is an old dream of mine. Can you imagine how peacefull it would be ? Ok, I'll try to capture differents kind of landscapes from now, but I'm afraid there might still a few more nice houses to come... |
A bit warmer than the one before, this région is mostly famous for its gastronomy. (French duck liver & wine especially) For what I' ve tested of it, people who like gorgeous meals followed by a little sleep on the grass by the riverside will call it heaven on Earth. |
This one is actually the same with a different focal lenght. It's the tiny square spot on the top of the hill. The name is Notre Dame de Peyragude, There is a very small and very old village hidden by luxurious vegetation. Don't miss it if you come near by. |
That's the "Abbaye de Montcuq", French speaking visitors will get the good part of it, hehe ! Ever heard of Pierre Desproges ? |
Feel thirsty ? Nice piece of a waterfall, ain't it ? I shot that between Grenoble and Briançon on the way to the "col du Lautaret". |
L'Aiguillette, on the way down to Briançon once you've crossed the col mentioned above. Guess what ? It's the rock you saw me climbing on the front page. We started from this exact point and ended up on the left side of the higher pick, 2500 m high ...... I love that place ! |
My window sight till september. Briançon is the highest town in Europe with its 1600 m "downtown" where you can take a "télécabine" (if you now the english word for that, would you be kind enought to leave me a message mentioning it ?) right to skiing area in winter. |
I would have liked to show you the whole world but the very few foreign spots pictures I made are not availables right now and I won't be able to fix it up before september.
France is told to be a lovely place. Ok, it is indeed, and I've done my best to bring you a few samples of its so changing charms., but I'm even fonder of Australia, where I've spent a few too short months nine long years ago. I still dreaming to go back down there. You'll understand why if you choose to visit my favourite web site, Peter Walton's pages. Those pages of mine you're surfing on own a hell of a lot to his, since that's where I got the background and general design inspiration. I just couldn't find better. You' ll get some more cool aussies sights and links on Photoz.
That's the end of those 2 first pages of mine for now. I will upgrade it as soon & as often as possible, providing new pictures and new features. Please remember that you can be of a great help just by going back to front page and feeding me back. Advices about English language, site building and pictures shooting for example would be usefull. :-) I hope you enjoyed visiting enought to come again later on.