My favorites pets



No, all of those don't actually belong to me. They are dispatched between my family members, and since I move quit often from one place to another depending on my state of mind and where I find best job, I take care of any ones beeing around. For now they are all doggies, but a cat lived with me for a while untill he didn't come back I don't even wanna try to figure out why :-( , my parents took care of one for years and I had two pets rats when I was a teen, poor mom' .....

Hard life, isn'it ?

This one is Pôtache, also responding to Tach' Pô. . .

He shares my life since I out-jailed him one year and an half ago. Nobody knows what kind of a dog it is but who cares ? Nor him or me for sure, hehehe. All he needs to be happy is hugs, freedom + a bit of food if available. No wonder we get on that well.

Ziggie was a wild dog in Guadeloupe (French Antillas) untill she choosed my brother's home as her. He brought her back France along and she now lives quit a peacefull life in our family house.

She enjoys hugs as much as Pôtache does, Maybe is it why they had something like an adventure together...


Isn't she cute ? She was born from above described adventure... She left us to live her own life with a family who had room enought at their place to welcome her.

You bet leting her go has been tough, but one more would have been too much for my parents. They dindn't want no pets at all in the begining.

Samba might be the smallest, she' s also the quickest of the lot. Obsessionnally fond of pebbles, she always gets them before the othes and bring them back again and again untill droper's harm refuse to work once more.

My sister takes care of her.



Looks lovely and bites harshly

The only sometimes nasty one.

Mack running with Pôtache.

Mack is the biggest and the sweetest.

But for cats.

Each and every one of them is a good one, all in a different way, even Julie provided you don't try to take her toys away from her. Believe me, the worst bitches use only two legs to walk and some of their sons ain't better.

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